Product Review: Carbon Dioxide CO2 Meter (NDIR) - IC-CENTER512

Product Review: Carbon Dioxide CO2 Meter (NDIR) - IC-CENTER512

The Instrument Choice Team of Scientists regularly reviews new and popular products, so when searching for the perfect scientific instrument for your application, you can make more informed decisions.

This edition reviews the Carbon Dioxide CO2 Meter (IC-CENTER512) detailing the meter's outstanding features and specifications while providing examples of ideal applications.

Why Measure CO2?

Various studies have found that Australians spend around 90% of their time in enclosed environments. A major component of the mix of indoor gases is carbon dioxide. High concentrations within indoor environments result in tiredness, difficulty concentrating, and even illness (e.g., sick building syndrome). Elevated CO2 levels are common in crowded spaces or buildings with poor ventilation.

Scientists’ Observation: It is easy to understand how suboptimal indoor air quality can pose a risk to your health, and why managing indoor air quality management is essential. 

Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Meter Examples of Applications

Our scientific team receives hundreds of inquiries from customers wanting the most suitable CO2 meter for their application. Most fall into the following categories:

  • Indoor air quality complaint investigation and analysis
  • Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system performance monitoring
  • Indoor air quality engineering analysis; and
  • Health and comfort assessments for
    • Airport lounges, shopping malls, and offices
    • Schools, universities and kindergartens
    • Hospitals and elderly care facilities. 

About the Carbon Dioxide CO2 Meter (NDIR) - IC-CENTER512

The IC-CENTER512 is a very accurate meter with superior measurement stability. The device can determine CO2 levels ranging from 0 to 30,000ppm using NDIR (non-dispersive infrared) sensor technology.

The IC-CENTER512 offers a range of functions and benefits that support the collection of CO2 concentration data. 

Features and Benefits Summary of the IC-CENTER512 CO2 Meter

1. Data Logging

The IC-CENTER512 CO2 meter can log and store up to 32,000 sets on data on the unit, making it ideal for extended deployments.

2. USB Interface with Included Software

A USB interface and included software allow for the direct download of information to most PCs. You can:

  • Download collected data logs saved on your CO2 meter
  • Record data while connected to the software; and
  • Export all data to Excel for further analysis and sharing. 

3. Non-Dispersive Infrared (NDIR) C02 Sensor

Compared to electrochemical sensors, non-dispersive infrared (NDIR) sensors typically boast a longer lifespan and more stable measurements. The combination of increased lifespan and measurement stability is attributable to reduced sensor burnout and deterioration when exposed to measured gases.

4. Data Hold

The “data hold” function allows you to pause a measurement on the screen to record results easily.

5. MIN/MAX/STEL/TWA Functions

The MIN/MAX/STEL/TWA give an improved insight into your collected CO2 level information.

  • MIN displays the minimum recorded CO2 measurement.
  • MAX displays the maximum recorded CO2 measurement.
  • STEL displays the short term exposure limit. STEL is a 15-minute time-weighted average exposure.
  • TWA displays the time-weighted average exposure. TWA equates to an 8-hour time-weighted average exposure. 

6. Internal CO2 Alarm Buzzer

Users can set high and low CO2 alarm limits for instant notification of CO2 concentration breaches.

7. User Calibration

Calibration can be performed by users when required – without the need to send the meter away.

Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Meter (NDIR) Specifications

CO2 Sensor Specifications


Non-dispersive infrared (NDIR)

Measurement Range



0-5000ppm ± 75ppm + 3% of reading

5001-30000ppm ± 150ppm + 5% of reading


1 ppm

Response Time

20 seconds

Sampling Rate

2 seconds


Relative Humidity Sensor

Measurement Range



20-80% ± 4.5 RH
<20% and >80% ± 5.5 RH (in still air)



Response Time

8 seconds


Temperature Sensor

Measurement Range

0 to 50°C


±1.0°C (at 23 ± 5°C) (in still air)



Response Time

10 seconds

Temperature Coefficient note: for ambient temperatures from  0°C-18°C and 28°C-50°C, add the following tolerance to the accuracy spec for each °C ambient before 18°C or above 28°C.
0.01% of reading + 0.03


Meter Specifications

Battery Type

9V Alkaline battery

Battery Life

Approximately 10 hours

Operating Temperature

0°C to 50°C

Operating Humidity

10 to 90% RH

Storage Temperature

-20°C to 60°C

Storage Humidity

10 to 75% RH


226.5mm x 65mm x 38.5xx / Approx 275g


CENTER512 CO2 meter, 9V battery, instruction manual, windows software, micro USB cable and carrying case.



Because Instrument Choice Scientists regularly receive inquiries about CO2 meters, they chose to profile the IC-CENTRE512 CO2 meter. Portable, easy-to-operate, robust and practical the IC-CENTER512 CO2 meter boasts features that make it the ideal instrument for monitoring CO2 in almost any indoor environment.

Want more information on any of the products mentioned above? Speak with an Instrument Choice Scientist! We're here to help! Call 1300 737 871 or email [email protected].

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