PAT Tester

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Product code: 6205PRO
The Kyoritsu 6205PRO is a hand-held tester designed for convenient and fast testing of portable appliances, extension leads, and RCD’s to AS/NZS 3760 Standards. It is a fully wireless easy-to-use device, designed to make testing and tagging of equipment easier and faster. In addition to transferring test results immediately, the App provides you with asset information, such as serial numbers, numbers, appliance descriptions, and locations, so that you can manage assets seamlessly.
$4,009.40 AUD + GST
$4,410.34 AUD Inc. GST
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Backorder Now, once ordered your item will dispatch before the 7th of March 2025, call 1300 737 871 (NZ 0800 737 871) to confirm

Product code: IC-KEW6205
The KEW 6205 is a hand-held, portable appliance tester that can test electrical safety under Class I and II safety standards. The tester indicates PASS/FAIL result testing, complying with the criteria of judgment in the AS/NZS 3760-2010 for in-service safety inspection.
$1,109.40 AUD + GST
$1,220.34 AUD Inc. GST
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Backorder Now, once ordered your item will dispatch before the 21st of February 2025, call 1300 737 871 (NZ 0800 737 871) to confirm

Product code: IC-S8-DL
The Trisan S8 DL is a high quality durable appliance tester with unique features making it probably one of the safest testers in Australia. This new variation of the Trisan S8 now adds more compact data entry with a built in QWERTY keypad. It is also compatible with a label printer and barcode scanner option.
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Unfortunately, the S8-DL has been discontinued, check out our other PAT testers for more options.