How to Calibrate the Sound Level of your LM8102 5-In-1 Multiparameter Meter Yourself

How to Calibrate the Sound Level of your LM8102 5-In-1 Multiparameter Meter Yourself

Calibration is vital to keep your scientific instruments in prime working order and to safeguard against inaccurate data.Most sound level meters give you the option to perform an in-house or field calibration of sound level. Instrument Choice scientists recommend you take advantage of this feature between recalibrations when you send your meter to an accredited calibration service.

This video article demonstrates how to calibrate the sound level of an LM8102 sound meter using the CEL-120/1acoustic calibrator for class 1 sound level meters.

Scientist’s Tip: A sound level calibrator is a device that produces sound at a consistent level. If you notice a variance between the output of the calibrator and the sound detected by the meter, you will need to adjust your meter’s settings to match the calibrator output. Our video shows you how to do it.

Figure 1 Watch the Instrument Choice Scientists calibrate sound level on the LM8102 5-in-1 meter here.

How to Calibrate Sound on the LM8102 5-in-1 Multiparameter Meter

You will need:

  1. An LM8102 5-in-1 sound meter; and
  2. A sound level calibrator capable of calibrating to 94bB. We are using a CEL-120/1 calibrator.

Here’s the procedure:

  1. To start, turn on the LM8102. Press the function button until the device is in sound measurement mode.
  2. Turn on the sound calibrator by pressing the ‘ON’ button. If your device calibrates to multiple sound levels, set it to 94dB.
  3. Place the calibrator over the sound probe head.
  4. Enter the sound level calibration mode on the LM8102 by pressing the ‘HOLD’ and ‘MAX/MIN’ button at the same time.
  5. On this screen, the upper LCD will show the intended sound value, and the lower LCD is the current sound value.
  6. Wait for the device's measurement to settle, then adjust the expected sound value setting to the value of the calibrator of 94dB. Use the ‘C/F’ buttons to adjust values up and the ‘Function’ button to adjust values down.
  7. After adjusting, press the ‘MAX/MIN’ button once. Expected and actual units will align.
  8. Press the ‘UNIT’ button to return to measurement mode. The calibration is now complete.
  9. Remove the sound calibrator and turn off your meter using the LM8102’s proceed with sound level measurement command.


Calibrating your sound level meter at regular intervals ensures you are taking accurate measurements and provides confidence in your sound measurements. The LM8102 is just one of many sound meters available at Instrument Choice that offers user enabled calibration. If you would like to know more about the LM8102 sound meter or any other sound level meters and calibrators, contact us!


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